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Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 4.1.0 Win

累计签到:540 天
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发表于 2017-1-10 14:53:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 4.1.0 Win{tag}(1)

Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 4.1.0 Win.......
iC3D is the first real-time, all-in-one package design software that lets you generate live 3D digital mockups on-the-fly, including cartons, labels, flexibles, bottles, shrink wraps and in-store visualization.
Other software applications frustratingly separate design applications into specific model types. iC3D encompasses all these and more, allowing these elements to be seamlessly combined in the same scene.
iC3D is the first 3D packaging visualisation software to offer patented Smart Mesh which allows labels and artwork to be instantly slid over models without needing tedious UVW texture co-ordinate mapping. Quickly design and generate asymmetric 3D models such as perfume bottles, trigger sprays and molded contAIners using iC3D’s unique Shape Modeller feature.
Visualize fast, accurate shrink and shrink artwork corrections on single & multiple objects, so they will be ready for production. Once finished you can output hi-resolution images, 3D PDF’s, generate proofs or print your models with leading 3D printers. Share your designs internally, with customers, by email, animated movies or with the free viewer, iC3D opsis, to make collaboration quick and simple


222 Bytes, 阅读权限: 20, 下载次数: 10

售价: 10 印币  [记录]


参与人数 3印币 +30 收起 理由
xiaoxiangzhoy + 6 感谢分享优秀资源,华印有你更精彩!
千寻 + 18 太给力了,希望能再接再厉!感谢!印
no543216789 + 6 对您表示十分感谢!



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发表于 2017-1-10 15:44:10 | 显示全部楼层
其他软件应用程序沮丧地将设计应用程序分为特定的模型类型。 iC3D包含所有这些和更多,允许这些元素无缝地组合在同一个场景中。
可视化快速,准确收缩和收缩对单个和多个对象的美术修正,因此它们将准备生产。完成后,您可以输出高分辨率图像,3D PDF,生成校样或使用领先的3D打印机打印您的模型。与客户,电子邮件,动画电影或免费观看者iC3D opsis分享您的设计,使协作快速简单
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-10 16:52:05 | 显示全部楼层
秋东 发表于 2017-1-10 15:44
iC3D是第一个实时的一体化包装设计软件,可让您即时生成实时3D数字样机,包括纸箱,标签,柔性产品,瓶子, ...

Thanks dear Autumn...........{:2_244:}
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发表于 2017-1-10 17:15:22 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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发表于 2017-1-11 08:46:33 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-11 13:22:39 | 显示全部楼层
印刷交流 发表于 2017-1-11 08:46

Hello dear i want to know your PC hardware configuration actually i am facing problem...in IC3D
there is hardware issue or windows in my pc ....can you show your PC configuration i what to know what wrong with my pc....please
回复 支持 反对 送花

使用道具 举报

累计签到:1401 天
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发表于 2017-1-11 15:20:46 | 显示全部楼层
安装好后,在AI里面 ic3d renderer v4选项打不开,ai版本是2015.3
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使用道具 举报

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-11 15:25:09 | 显示全部楼层
TTandTTS 发表于 2017-1-11 15:20
安装好后,在AI里面 ic3d renderer v4选项打不开,ai版本是2015.3

check your pc configuration also check app is working....
some thing wrong...in your pc.....check it.
回复 支持 反对 送花

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2017-1-11 23:39:28 | 显示全部楼层
thank for share.i installed good no error.illustrator 15.3
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使用道具 举报

累计签到:1063 天
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发表于 2017-1-15 18:44:53 | 显示全部楼层
Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 4.1.0 Win{tag}(2)
Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 4.1.0 Win{tag}(3)
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使用道具 举报

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