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Creative Edge Software iC3D 5.0.2 Suite Win/Mac

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发表于 2017-11-25 14:25:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Creative Edge Software iC3D 5.0.2 Suite Win/Mac{tag}(1)
Creative Edge Software iC3D 5.x

Creative Edge Software, developer of the award-winning iC3D packaging design software, announces its next major release. Five significant new features expand the usability and flexibility of iC3D for package designers who are looking for the high-end capabilities that are conventionally avAIlable only from specialist 3D design software.
The development of the version 5.0 comes in response to customer requests since the launch of iC3D v4.0 photorealism at drupa last year, particularly relating to shape modeling and realism.
The five key features of the new iC3D versions 5.0 are:
- Point Editor  - advanced shape editing tool providing enhanced photorealism through the ability to add curves, creases, crumples and dents to models selectively
- UVW Editor - enables selective manipulation of artwork placed on 3D models to correct artwork distortion, improve naturalism and allow artistic interpretation
- Physics Simulator  - automatically calculates appropriate curves, creases and distortions to create photorealistic 3D flexible packages, such as bags and pouches, at a mouse-click
- Sealed Shrink - for visualizing shrink-filled packages using completely sealed bags. Complements the existing iC3D Shrink Sleeve feature.
- Advanced Shape Modeller - additional tools for the creation of highly complex 3D shapes and combinations of shapes
Using features such as Point Editor and UVW Editor, iC3D v5.0 provides the ability to select points on a 3D model, edit shapes, distortions and surface effects, looking adjustment artwork to improve the real-life appearance of a label or package design. This could involve adding aspects of randomization or imperfection, such as creases, crinkles and indentations.
As well as these features for selective editing, version 5.0 includes automatic processes. Physics Simulator is similar to technology used in the gaming and film industries. In iC3D v5.0 it automatically recreates the behavior of a flexible package in different situations, such as sag , bulge and drape dynamics. Sealed Shrink has been developed to mock-up shrink-filled bags such as those commonly used for pre-packed perishables - for example, cheese, fish and meat portions.
Link:  https://pan.baidu.com/s/1slmeGYp  password: gaf8


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