是由一队专业的团队为了帮助摄影师和修图师加快肖像修饰工作流程并提高其成品的质量的一款 Adobe Photoshop 扩展面板,结合了基本的美容修饰工具,调整图层的快捷方式,这将增加简单性,并通过执行你日常的繁琐和重复部分加快工作流程。利用一些先进的、非常有帮助的快捷按钮,以及添加自定义用户操作,这个扩展面板也将节省你的工作时间,以及帮助你实现准确的,可重复的顶级修图结果的能力 RA Panels are coded in HTML5 and have been tested successfully with the following officially licensed versions of Adobe Photoshop from CS6 to CC2015, on both Mac OS X and Windows-basedcomputers. Like our other products, the Beauty Retouch v3.0 is a digital download product only, and as such, cannot be returned. Please verify that your system and software are capable of running RA Panels by downloading our free Pixel Juggler product, a handy Photoshop extension panel also coded in HTML5. 兼容版本:Win /Mac-Photoshop CC 2015/2015.5/2017
Retouoching Academy 功能介绍
可以帮你清理工作区、关闭不必要的 Photoshop 面板