- 精华
- 活跃值
- 积分
- 4
- 违规
- 印币
- 鲜花值
- 在线时间
- 小时
累计签到:4 天 连续签到:0 天
Sub SaveLowS()
Dim ExpfltShapes As Shapes
Set ExpfltShapes = ActiveSelectionRange.UngroupAllEx.Shapes
If ExpfltShapes.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim Count As Integer
For Count = 1 To ExpfltShapes.Count
Call ToCurve(ExpfltShapes(Count))
ExpfltShapes.All '将多个形状转成活动选区
Dim SaveOptions As StructSaveAsOptions
Set SaveOptions = CreateStructSaveAsOptions
With SaveOptions
.EmbedVBAProject = True
.Filter = CDRCDR
.IncludeCMXData = False
.Range = cdrSelection
.EmbedICCProfile = True
.Version = cdrVersion8
End With
ActiveDocument.SaveAs GetExpfltPath + "_通用版.cdr", SaveOptions
End Sub
Public Sub ToCurve(InputShape As Shape, Optional ShapeType As Integer = cdrTextShape)
If InputShape.Type = cdrTextShape Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetDocumentName() As String
Dim Count As Integer
Count = InStrRev(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")
If Count > 0 Then
GetDocumentName = Left(ActiveDocument.Name, Count - 1)
GetDocumentName = ActiveDocument.Name
End If
End Function
Public Function GetExpfltPath() As String
GetExpfltPath = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\" + GetDocumentName
End Function