- 精华
- 活跃值
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累计签到:5 天 连续签到:1 天
//Select Replicated (Overlaping) Text Items v.1 -- CS,CS2
// This script removes all duplicate overlaping text items from a document.
// The ONLY parameters it checks are top and left coordinates, and text contents.
// Anchor points within one point of each other are considered the same.
// (tolerance can be adjusted by changing the 'tolerance' value.)
// The lower duplicate objects are selected for manual removal.
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( john@wundes.com ) www.wundes.com
//copyright full text here: http://www.wundes.com/js4AI/copyright.txt
var selName = "仅本文档中)";
if(selection.length >0){
selName = "current selection";
var sel= activeDocument.selection;
var selectedTextFrames = new Array(0);
for (var all in sel){
if(sel[all].typename == "TextFrame"){
sel = selectedTextFrames;
} else{
var sel= activeDocument.textFrames;
var dupeTextFrames= new Array(0);
var tolerance = 1;
var slen = sel.length;
for(var all=0; all <slen;all++){
alert(dupeTextFrames.length + " 个重叠的相同文本对象被找到("+selName+"");
activeDocument.selection = [];
for (all in dupeTextFrames){
dupeTextFrames[all].selected = true;
function checkDupe(ob,n){
//t == objects so far
for(var t=0; t <n ;t++){
if(ob[t].typename == "TextFrame"){
if (isWithin(ob[n].left,ob[t].left,tolerance) &&
isWithin(ob[n].top,ob[t].top,tolerance) &&
ob[n].contents == ob[t].contents){
function isWithin(YposA,YposB,tol){
if(YposA==YposB){return true};
return true;
return false;
function findDiff(a,b){
if( a>0 && b>0 && b>a ||
a<0 && b>0 ||
a<0 && b<0 && a>b ){
return Math.abs(b-a);
return Math.abs(a-b);