Lazy Nezumi Pro Pro. for PS and Illustrator etc...plugin. (PC)
Here is some very interesting plugin for you.....Lazy Nezumi Pro Pro. for PS and Illustrator etc ... plugin. (PC)
Its really very powerful...see the attached images..........
For more information go........
Why do I need it?
[*]Clean line-art taking forever?
[*]Forced to make fast strokes to avoid seeing any jitters?
[*]Pressing really hard to use the full pressure range of your tablet
[*]Uneven pressure in your strokes
[*]Art software at the end of your lines
[*]Hand shaking when you draw
[*]App cursor getting in the way when drawing details?
[*]Switching software in the middle of your w ork because your main art program does not support input smoothing?
能不能弄个汉化的,一直在用英文的, 一直发E文的,,虽然是好东西,俺都不知道是什么玩意,怎么给你送花啊,能发个中文版的吗?? cwsr 发表于 2017-5-8 17:30
You can change language ... from here 好东西,楼主辛苦。谢了。 谁把他汉化一下就好了 英文看不明白
能用中文介绍一下吗? 英文看不明白 全英文的,真不知道 是做什么的,看图好像是矢量制图? 73123 发表于 2017-5-8 16:56
you mean that i am wasting my's a point...i will think about it to soon leave the forum..because...this place no one can read,and understand..other language... except chines..{:2_232:}