what i can say....:'(.. wsxyl 发表于 2022-5-16 13:37
CADSHORTCUTS面板里面只能选文件,选择那个按钮是灰色的没办法用,我常用的是这个功能,是哪里要再设置吗 ...
Read the realted documentation or help i cannot teach you all...simple 新人支持下,现在没钱,等有钱了在买 小白没用过CADtools,请问下载了放那里? bennyguan 发表于 2022-9-2 08:47
放在AI文件夹里 ai 复制大文件慢的问题有没有解决。。 本帖最后由 m1008611 于 2022-10-16 17:13 编辑
Thank you for your selfless dedication, your version is much more stable than the 13.0.1 available online, and the point is that it doesn't flash back! Very good!
However, the problem of replication lag remains, so perhaps this is an official problem.